

コールダックのブッチーは、人間の肌が大好きです。裸足でいると必ず襲われます(;^_^Aとがった爪を食い込ませて、まるっこいくちばしで肌をつまみ、ねじねじぐりぐりされます。かなり痛いです。痛いですが、ブッチーのモフモフのお胸やお尻は触り放題です。痛みを乗り越えて、初めて快楽は得られるものなのです( ˘•ω•˘ )

Attack of Butchy

*This article was contributed on our FC2 blog at 30/9/2017.

Butchy loves biting a skin of human. We are always attacked by Butchy. His nail bites into our skins and he picks and twists our skins by his beak. we feel pain so much, but we can touch his soft and fluffy feather of the chest and butt. It is very comfortable. He teaches us “Pleasure is patience”.


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